Psp Div3_lesson 206
This lesson was written by myself.
Any comparison with another is purely coincidental.
This tutorial is written with PSP 9 but can be done in a different version.
Thanks to the tubeuses. Without them it is not possible to make the lessons.
So please keep the tubes intact and don't clean them like your own.
They remain the property of the original artist. Material:
Tube van: Syl
If you are ready, we will start.
Take me with you, I'll show you where you left off.
Unzip your material in a folder that you can easily access.
Save your work regularly! TIP: duplicate your tubes and work with the copies
If you use other colors, change the blend mode. Put the brush in your folder brushes.
![]() 1. Open the color palette.
2. Color 1 (FG color # fe0606) color 2 (BG color # e1d1b7) 3. Open ag_les206_alpha Shift + D (to duplicate) We will continue to work on this. 4. New raster layer. 5. Fill with gradient. Colors Foreground color 1 and Background color 2. Linear 0, 0, Invert check
6. Set blend mode to darken. 7. Activate the bottom layer (raster1) 8. Selections / Selection Load from Alpha channel - selection 4 9. Selections / Promote Selection to Layer. 10. Layers / Arrange / Bring to the front. 11. Adjust / Blur / Radial Blur Turning, 91, 44 ______ (- 25), 2, 17
12. Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance More. 13. Edit / Repeat Enhance edges. 14. Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur 30 15. New raster layer. 16. Fill with gradient. (still in good condition) Colors Foreground color 1 and Background color 2.
17 Set blend mode to darken. 18. Selections / Select none. 19. Activate the made selection. 20. Selections / Selection Load from Alpha channel - selection 1 21. Selections / Promote Selection to Layer. 22. Layers / Arrange / Bring to the front. 23. Effects / texture effects / Blinds color 7 (# 821c1a)
24. Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen. 25. Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow 0, 0, 60, 30 color 4 black. 26. Selections / Select none. 27. Activate the reduced selection. middle layer 28. Selections / Selection Load from Alpha channel - selection 5 29. Selections / Promote Selection to Layer. 30. Layers / Arrange / Bring to the front. 31. New raster layer. 32. Fill with gradient. 33. Blend mode - darken. 34. Selections / Select none. 35. Activate the layer just below. 36. Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow 0, 0, 60, 30 color 4 black. 37. Selections / Selection Load from Alpha channel - selection 3 38. Selections / Promote Selection to Layer. 39. Layers / Arrange / Bring to the front. 40. Effects / Texture Effects / Mosaic Pieces.
41. Selections / Select none. 42. Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling.
43. Duplicate the layer. 44. Blend Mode - Multiply. 45. Layer opacity 50 46. Layers / Merge / Merge Down. 47. Effects / 3D Effects / Bevel / Inner. Colour White
48. Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow 0, 0, 60, 30 color 4 black. 49. Activate the layered / reduced selection. 50. Selections / Load from Alpha channel ---- selection 2 51. Promote selection to layer. 52. Layers / Arrange / Move up. 53. Effects / texture effects / Blinds --- color3 #bebaba
54. Selections / Select none. 55. Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow 0, 0, 60, 30 color 4 black. 56. Selections / Load from Alpha channel ---- selection 4 57 New raster layer 58. Fill with Color 2. 59. Selections / Modify / Contract 3. 60. Edit / Delete. 61. Selections / Select none. 62. Activate the top layer. 63. New raster layer. 64. Activate Brush - search agiBrush152_dreams. size 170 light color stamp2 (AG color) 65. Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance. 66. Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow 0, 0, 60, 30 color 4 black. 67. Duplicate the layer. 68. Layers / Merge / Merge Down. 69. Open SvB (1133) Beauty 70. Edit / copy. 71. Go to work. 72. Edit / Paste as a new layer. 73. Image / Resize 90% 74. Remove the watermark. 75. Put in place. 76. Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow 0, 0, 60, 30 color 4 black. 77. Open SvB White rose 78. Edit / copy. 79. Go to work. 80 Edit / Paste as a new layer 81. Remove the watermark. 82. Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow 0, 0, 60, 30 color 4 black. 83. Image / Add borders 5 px color 2 84. Selections / Select all. 85. Edit / Copy. 86. Image / Add borders 40 px color 5 87. Selections / Invert. 88. Edit / Paste into selection. 89. Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur 30 90. Selections / Modify / contract 18. 91. Fill with color 6. 92. Selections / Select none. 93. Place your name or watermark. 94. Layers / Merge / Merge all. 95. Image / Resize 900px. 96. Save as .jpg
So that's it I hope you enjoyed I am curious about your work. Send it to me in full size. I place it with the examples. Please include yourname and lesson number ..
You can find your worksHere Good luck !
Thanks for making the lesson.
Questions about the lesson?Mail me
greetings Castorke
It is forbidden to copy this lesson, in whole or in part, without the permission of the author.
The lessons are registered with tutorial writers.
![]() België
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