Psp Div3_les 210
Made by myself with psp9, it can best be made with another PS P program.
Any resemblance is purely coincidental.
This lesson is written with PSP 9 but can be done in a different version.
Thanks to the tubeuses. Without them it is not possible to make the lessons.
So please keep the tubes intact and don't clean them like your own.
They remain the property of the original artist. Material:
Tube van: Castorke en gedeeld in groepen
VM Natural/Splash! MuRa'S Meister / Perspective Tiling
If you are ready, we will start.
Take me, I'll show you where you left off.
Unzip your material in a folder that you can easily access.
Save your work regularly! TIP: duplicate your tubes and work with the copies
![]() 1. Color 1 (FG color # 2d3844) color 2 (BG color # e00007) color 3 (# 000000)
2. Open lesson210_AG . 3. Duplicate the image (SHIFT + D) Close the original. 4. We will continue to work on this. 5. Double click in the layer palette on background layer and rename it raster 1 6. Duplicate layer. 7. Effects / Plugins / MuRa'S Meister / Perspective Tiling.
8. Activate the magic wand feather on 20 , tap in the middle of your work. 9. Press delete 3 times. 10. Set feather back to o (zero). 11. Selections / Select none. 12. Activate raster 1 13. Activate selection. Press "S" Custom Selection: Left 300, Right 600, Top 40, Bottom 560
14. Selections / Promote Selection to Layer. 15. Layers / Arrange / Bring to Front. 16. Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur 30 17. Layers / New raster layer. 18. Fill with color 1 FG color # 2d3844 19. Selections / Modify / Contract 10 20. Press delete. 21. Selections / Select none. 22. Open 28803-8-love-photos [1] 23. Edit / Copy. 24. Go to work. 25. Edit / Paste as a new layer. 26. Image / Resize 80 % percent. Resize all layers DO NOT check. 27. Edit / Repeat format change . 28. Move up a bit. 29. Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow. 1, 1, 100, 0 black. 30. Open castorke_tube_kinderen_120_090221 31. Make a selection r o nd banner. 32. Selections / Invert. 33. Edit / Copy. 34. Go to work. 35. Edit / paste as a new layer. 36. Image / Resize 80% percent. 37. Image / Resize 75% percent. 38. Put in place. 39. Duplicate the layer. 40. Activate the layer just below. 41. Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur 8 42. Place your name or watermark. 43. Image / Add Borders 5 px color 2 ( BG color # e00007 ) 44. Edit / Copy. 45. Open frame_hearts . 46. Duplicate (SHIFT + D) closes the original. 47. Tap with magic wand in the transparent part. 48. Edit / Paste into selection. 49. Selections / Invert. 50. Effects / VM Natural / Splash! Standard settings. 51. Effects / 3D Effects / Inner Bevel. NO 2
52. Selections / Select none. 53. Place your name or watermark. 54. Image / Add Borders 1 px Color 3 ( # 000000 ) 55. Image / Resize 800 pixels. Resize all layers check . 56. Save as .jpg
So that was it I hope you enjoyed it. I am curious about your work. Send it to me in full size. I place it with the other works. Please mention your name andthe lesson number , title ..
Uw werkjes vind je HERE Good luck !
Thanks for making the lesson.
If you have any questions, you can always Send me an Email me
Greetings Castorke
It i s forbidden this lesson fully or partially copied.
The lessons are registered at TWI ![]() België
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