
Psp Div3_Lesson  228

Translations by Sophie into French

Translations by Marion into English and German

Translated by Sylviane into Spanish

Translated by Estela into Portuguese

I am grateful for the help of the translators of this site.

Click on the flag for the translation.

This lesson was written by myself
Any resemblance with an existing lesson is a coincidence
This tutorial was made with Psp 9 but can be done with other versions of Psp.

The colours may vary significantly depending on the Psp used. . .

Thanks to the tubsters for the beautiful material..

Without them, this lesson would not be possible.

Respect their work, don't change anything about the tubes and don't say they are your tubes

The copyright belongs to the original artist.
Leave credit with the creator.

Tubes: Castorke, Lisa T.
Masker Narah - thanks


***VM experimental/ TeeWee, Medhi Weaver, Sorting Tiles , WavyLab1.1

*** Import those filters into Unlimited 2


Let's start the lesson .

Take me with you. I'll show you where you left off.

Open the tubes in a map of your choice or in the program PSP

Save your work regularly !

To be on the safe side, duplicate your tubes and image in your Psp:
- Window / Duplicate
- Close the originals and work with the copies

Open the color palette

1. Color 1 (FG-Color #e712ee) -Color 2 ( BG-Color #00776e) -Color 3 #1e1d1b -Color 4 #fe688b -Color 5 #000000

2. File-Open a new transparent image in this size : 900 x 600 Pixels

3. Effects- Plugins- Mehdi/ WavyLab1.1

Linear 1, 45, 0

4. Effects- Plugins- Mehdi/ Weaver. 50-150 size 150

5. Effects – Edge Effects– Enhance More

6. Effects- Plugins- Mehdi/ Sorting Tiles 300-500, Block 300, Crossed checked

7. Effects – Edge Effects– Enhance 

8. Effects- Image Effects- Seamless Tiling-using the default settings

9. Open NarahsMasks_1648 and minimize.

10. Layers- New raster layer

11. Flood Fill Tool- Fill the layer with the Foreground color =1

12. Layers- New Mask Layer- From Image and select Mask

13. Effects – Edge Effects– Enhance 

14. Layers- Merge- Merge- Group

15. Open the tube :  castorke_tubes_dames_247_072016

16. Edit-Copy 

17. Activate your work

18. Edit-Paste as new layer.

19. Image/ Resize 45% 

Resize all layers unchecked

20. Remove the watermark.

21. Slide at the bottom against the edge ( see finished mage)

22. Effects-3 D-Effects- Drop Shadow with these settings: 1, 10, 40, 40 Color 5 (black)

23. Adjust- Sharpness- Sharpen

24. Open the tube : Text_Chanel

25. Edit-Copy 

26. Activate your work

27. Edit-Paste as new layer.

28. Move it in the right place ( see finished)

29. Layers - Merge- Merge All.

30.  Edit-Copy !! 

31. Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 1 Px -Color 5

32. Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 1 Px -Color 2

33. Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 1 Px -Color 3

34. Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 1 Px -Color 2

35. Selections- Select All

36. Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 45 Px -Color 1

37. Selections- Invert

38. Edit- Paste into Selection

39. Adjust-Blur- Gaussian Blur- Radius: 10 %.

40. Selections- Promote selection to layer

41. Selections- Deselect all

42. Effects- Plugins-Filter in Unlimited 2.0/ VM Experimental/ TeeWee - using the default settings

43. Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 1 Px -Color 5

44. Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 5 Px -Color 1

45. Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 1 Px -Color 5

46. Open the tube: divers_0284_lisat

47. Edit-Copy 

48. Activate your work

49. Edit-Paste as new layer.

50. Remove the watermark

51. Image- Resize  40%

52. Effects-3 D-Effects- Drop Shadow with these settings: 0, 0, 70, 40 Color 5 (black).

53. Add your watermark

54. Image Resize  900 Pixels.

55. Save as JPG

I hope you enjoyed this lesson

I am curious about your work.
Send it to me in original size.
I'll publish it with the examples.

Please include your name and lesson number.

If you would like to see the lesson that you have created again, please click  HERE

Good Luck !
Thank you for creating the lesson.

Questions related to the lesson ? Or submit the lesson  ?
 Email me

Greetings Castorke

Copying this lesson, in whole or in part, without the author's permission is prohibited.

The lessons are registered with TWI


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