Psp Div3_Lesson 241
Translated by Sophie into French Translated by Marion into English, and German Translated by Sylviane in Spanish Translated by Estela into Portuguese I am grateful for the help of the translators Click on the flag for the translation.
This lesson was written by myself Material:
Tubes:Elementen uit scrap Zaza
***Graphic Plus/ Cross Shadow, AAA Frames/ Foto Frame *** Import these filters into Unlimited 2 Material hereLet's start the lesson
Take me with you, I'll show you where you left off.
Open the tubes in a map of your choice or in the program PSP. Save your work regularly ! To be on
the safe side, duplicate your tubes and image in your Psp :
- Window / Duplicate - Close the originals and work with the copies ![]()
-Material Properties: 1. Set your Foreground color to color #ffffff Set your Background color to color #a7a7a7 2. File-Open a new transparent image in this size: 900 x 600 Pixels 3. Selections- Select All 4. Open the Image: SAT_White Winter_Paper1_Scrap and Tubes 5. Edit - Copy 6. Activate your work 7. Edit- Paste into Selection 8. Selections- Modify Contract 25 Pixels 9. Press Delete 10. Selection remains activated 11. Layers- New Raster Layer 12. Open the Image SAT_White Winter_Paper4_Scrap and Tubes 13. Edit - Copy 14. Activate your work 15. Edit- Paste into Selection 16. Selections- Modify Contract 15 Pixels 17. Press Delete 18. Layers- New Raster Layer 19. Open the Image: SAT_White Winter_Paper3_Scrap and Tubes 20. Edit - Copy 21. Activate your work 22. Edit- Paste into Selection 23. Layers- New Raster Layer 24. Effects- 3D-Effects- Cutout use the settings below
25. Selections- Deselect All 26. Activate the bottom layer of the layers palette ( Raster 1) 27. Effects-3D-Effects- Inner Bevel use the settings below
28. Activate Raster 2 in the layers palette 29. Effects-3D-Effects- Inner Bevel with the same settings 30. Activate the top of the layers palette 31. Open the tube: SAT_White Winter_Snow_Scrap and Tubes 32. Edit - Copy 33. Activate your work 34. Edit- Paste as new layer 35. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard -Enter these parameters on the toolbar Position X 38 ---Position Y 265 36. Activate Raster 2 in the layers palette 37. Layers- Arrange- Bring to Top 38. Activate Raster 1 in the layers palette 39. Layers- Arrange- Bring to Top 40. The layers palette now looks like this
41. Activate Raster 5 in the layers palette 42. Open the tube: SAT_White Winter_Frame2_Scrap and Tubes 43. Edit - Copy 44. Activate your work 45. Edit- Paste as new layer 46. Image Resize 2 x 80% Resize all layers not checked 47. Do not move, it is in the right place 48. Effects-3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings: 1, 1, 75, 1 Color black 49. Activate your Magic Wand – Tolerance at 0 and Feather at 0 Click the magic wand in the center of the circle. 50. Selections- Modify - Expand 4 Pixels 51. Layers- New Raster Layer 52. Activate Flood Fill Tool- Fill the selection with the Background color 53. Effects- Plugins- GraphicPlus/ Cross Shadow use the settings below
54. Selections- Deselect All 55. Layers- Arrange- Move Down 56. Open the tube: SAT_White Winter_Bling_Scrap and Tubes 57. Edit - Copy 58. Activate your work 59. Edit- Paste as new layer 60. Image Resize 80% 61. Effects-3D-Effects- Drop Shadow with the same settings 62. Open the tube: SAT_White Winter_Butterfly_Scrap and Tubes 63. Edit - Copy 64. Activate your work 65. Edit- Paste as new layer 66. Image Resize 70% 67. Do not move, it is in the right place 68. Effects-3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings: 1, 1, 75, 20 Color black 69. Open the tube : SAT_White Winter_Pin Branche_Scrap and Tubes 70. Edit - Copy 71. Activate your work 72. Edit- Paste as new layer 73. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard -Enter these parameters on the toolbar Position X ( min) -79------ Position Y 113 74. Effects-3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings: 0, 0, 50, 20 Color black 75. Open the tube: SAT_White Winter_Holly_Scrap and Tubes 76. Edit - Copy 77. Activate your work 78. Edit- Paste as new layer 79. Image Resize 70% 80. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard -Enter these parameters on the toolbar Position X 41---- Position Y 358 81. Effects-3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings: 0, 0, 50, 20 Color black 82. Layers- Arrange- Bring to Top. 83. Open the tube: SAT_White Winter_Flower_Scrap and Tubes 84. Edit - Copy 85. Activate your work 86. Edit- Paste as new layer 87. Image Resize 4 x 80% 88. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard -Enter these parameters on the toolbar Position X -3---- Position Y 420 89. Adjust- Sharpness-Sharpen 90. Effects-3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings: 0, 0, 50, 20 Color black 91. Layers- Arrange- Bring to Top. 92. Open SAT_White Winter_Small Frames_Scrap and Tubes 93. Image Resize 2 x 80% 94. Effects-3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings: 0, 0, 50, 20 Color black 95. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard -Enter these parameters on the toolbar Position X 48 ----Position Y 7 96. Layer-Aarrange-comes under the frame ( Raster 2) 97. Open the tube: SAT_White Winter_Christmas Tree_Scrap and Tubes 98. Edit - Copy 99. Activate your work 100. Edit- Paste as new layer 101. Image Resize 80% 102. Effects-3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings: 0, 0, 50, 20 Color black 103. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard -Enter these parameters on the toolbar Position X 504 ---- Position Y 53 104. Adjust-Sharpness-Sharpen Repeat : Adjust-Sharpness-Sharpen 105. Layers- Arrange- Bring to Top. 106. Open the tube: Text Winter. 107. Edit - Copy 108. Activate your work 109. Edit- Paste as new layer 110. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard -Enter these parameters on the toolbar Position X 477 ---- Position Y 17 111. Effects-3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings: 0, 0, 50, 20 Color black 112. Image -Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 3 Pixels Background color 113. Edit - Copy !!! 114. Selections- Select All 115. Image -Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 50 Pixels Background color 116. Selections- Invert 117. Edit- Paste into Selection 118. Adjust- Blur- Gaussian Blur -Radius 15% 119. Selections- Invert 120. Effects-3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings: 0, 0, 75, 20 Color black 121. Selections- Deselect All 122. Effects- Plugins- Aaa Frames/ Foto Frame using the default settings 123. Open the tube: SAT_White Winter_Poser_Scrap and Tubes 124. Edit - Copy 125. Activate your work 126. Edit- Paste as new layer 127. Image Resize 90% 128. Effects-3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings: 0, 0, 50, 20 Color black 129. Move the tube in the right place 130. Image -Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 2 px AG-kleur 131. Image -Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 2 Pixels Foreground color 132. Image -Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 2 Pixels Background color 133. Selections- Select All 134. Selections- Modify Contract 6 Pixels 135. Selections- Invert 136. Effects- Plugins- GraphicPlus/ Cross shadow.
137. Image -Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 1 Pixel #7f7f7f 138. Insert your name or watermark. 139. Image Resize 900 Pixels Width 140. Save as JPG
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Greetings Castorke
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prohibited. ![]() België
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