Psp Div3_Lektion 236
Thanks Marion Translated by Sophie into French Thanks SophieClick on the flag for the ranslation..
This lesson was written by myself Thanks to the tubsters for the beautiful material.. Without them, this lesson would not be possible. Material:
Tubes: Cicka Design, Jeanne
Masker: NarahsMasks_1657
*** Graphics Plus/ Cross Shadow *** Graphics Plus/ Cross Shadow, Aliën Skin/Eye Candy5/ Glass, Mehdi/ Sorting Tiles, Mehdi/ Sorting Tiles. *** Import this filter into Unlimited 2
Let's start the lesson
Take me with you, I'll show you where you left off.
Unzip je materiaal in een mapje waar je gemakkelijk aan kan.
Save the selection Castorke 236 in the selections folder of your psp
Save your work regularly ! Attention: Duplicate your
tubes and work with the copies
![]() Open the Color palette lesson_236
-Material Properties: Set your Foreground color to color 1 -Set your Background color to color 2 1. File-Open the Tube : a New Transparent Image in this size : 800 X 600 Px 2. Effects-Plugins- Mehdi/ WavyLab 1.1 Linear, Freq 2, Angle 0, Offset 0 ==== Color 2, 1, 3, 4
3. Effects-Plugins- Mehdi/ Sorting Tiles 300-500 -300- Crossed checked
4. Layers- Duplicate 5. Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal (Image - Mirror in older versions of PSP) 6. Image - Mirror - Mirror vertical ( Image - Flip in older versions of PSP) 7.Layers Properties- Reduce the opacity of this layer to 80 % 8. Effects-Plugins- Mehdi/ Sorting Tiles 300-500 -300 Crossed checked
9. Effects-Edge Effects-Enhance 10. Layers- Merge- Merge Visible 11. Open the Tube : the Mask: NarahsMasks_1657 12. Edit- Copy 13. Activate your work. 14. Edit-Paste as new layer 15. Layers-Properties-Set the Blend Mode to " Soft Light"
16. Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and select my selection: Castorke_sel_les23 17. Open the Tube : 6HgKlK9bfwvgCFB7RgpCgwcD_cY 18. Edit- Copy 19. Activate your work. 20. Edit-Paste as new layer Place the tube in the selection to your liking 21. Selections-Invert 22. Edit- Cut 23. Selections-Invert 24. Selections- Modify-Contract by 30 Pixels
25. Selections-Invert 26. Adjust-Blur- Gaussian Blur-Radius 5
27. Selections- Deselect All 28. Open the Tube : castorke_les236_deco1. 29. Edit- Copy 30. Activate your work. 31. Edit-Paste as new layer 32. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard -Enter these parameters on the Toolbar Position X 184 ---- Position Y 91
33. Adjust-Hue and Saturation-Colorize Hue 80 --- Saturation 100.
If necessary, modify and color it to your own colors. 34. Open the Tube : les236_deco2 35. Edit- Copy 36. Activate your work. 37. Edit-Paste as new layer 38. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard -Enter these parameters on the Toolbar Position X 156 ---- Position Y 62
39. Effects-3D-Effects-Inner Bevel with these settings-Nr 1
40. Open the Tube : 2dd699dcd92a12fb21ed64efaa4c3b9b[1] 41. Edit- Copy 42. Activate your work. 43. Edit-Paste as new layer 44. Image/ Resize with 80% 45. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard -Enter these parameters on the Toolbar Position X 25 ---- Position Y 204
46. Effects-3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings: 1, 1, 100, 30 Color Black 47. Open the Tube : Jeanne_Woman_16_06_2021 48. Edit- Copy 49. Activate your work. 50. Edit-Paste as new layer 51. Image/ Resize with 65% Remove the name 52. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard -Enter these parameters on the Toolbar Position X 497 ---- Position Y 43
53. Effects-3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings: 1, 1, 50, 30 Color Black 54. Edit- Copy Special-Copy Merged 55. Open the Tube : les236_kader. 56. Activate your Magic Wand – Tolerance at 0 and Feather at 0 -select the transparent part 57. Edit- Paste into Selection - Image is still in memory 58. Place your name or watermark. 59. Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 3 Px- Color 1 60. Save as JPG
I hope you enjoyed this lesson I look forward to seeing your work.
Send it to me in original size. I place it with the other examples.
Please do include your name and the number of this lesson Good Luck !
Thank you for creating the lesson.
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Greetings Castorke
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without the author's permission is prohibited. ![]()
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